Mar 28, 2023
Vincent covers the tyranny of Roberts' Rules, bottom feeding grifters taking advantage of the war in Ukraine, Congress holding hearings into making colleges co-sign onto their students' loans, Alex Jones telling kids not to do drugs ... after bragging about doing drugs, and much more!
Mar 25, 2023
Vincent covers the infighting between the Mises Caucus and the New Hampshire liberty movement over the direction of the Libertarian Part of New Hampshire, the French are protesting again Macron's raising of the retirement age by executive fiat, Nick Fuentes praising secular globalist Macron because he's a...
Mar 21, 2023
Vincent covers the reemergence of ISIS in Afghanistan, which is now targeting the Chicoms over their treatment of Uyghurs, the Biden administration's failure to prevent an alliance between Russia and China and refusal to allow for a ceasefire in Ukraine, Biden getting exposed for family's association with China,...
Mar 18, 2023
On the Ides of March 2023, I had the pleasure of interviewing Christopher Cantwell, host of the Radical Agenda and creator of SurrealPolitiks on substack, for the first time since he was arrested by the Feds in 2020. In about two hours we go over a plethora of topics ranging from Chris' latest filings in...
Mar 12, 2023
Vincent covers Kabbalah bracelet Tucker Carlson cucking his viewers with a single segment's worth of lame January 6 footage, Trump's freedom city concept is no different than globalist smart cities (and if that's a bad thing or not), drug cartel bitches out when threatened by US Marine Corps, misgendering leading to...