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Dec 30, 2018

Still on vacation in Philly, Vincent ends 2018 with a bang by creating a compilation of the year's best segments, featuring Cody from OTAL and the infamous Christopher Cantwell as well as a special message about the future of the show. 

On a personal note I couldn't have asked for a greater first year of the show, thank...

Dec 18, 2018

Vincent runs through the gauntlet of news, advocates self-defense against the blue light gang, suggests the Venezuelan people embrace fascism, gets threatened by a caller, and much more in the last in-studio live episode of 2018!

Dec 9, 2018

Paris is burning but Vincent decides to instead rant about "millennial news outlets" for the first hour, takes a record number of calls, and goes into deep discussion on the left-right paradigm. 

Dec 2, 2018

Vincent aimlessly drifts from railing against Laura Loomer, Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones and the rest of the alt-light shills to fear mongering about the collapse of society, and takes a few calls.

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Nov 25, 2018

Vincent glosses over Thanksgiving by remembering the Siege of Wounded Knee, then goes into how the French fuel tax rioters are putting American activists to shame, Gavin stepping down from the Proud Boys, and exposes libertarian hypocrisy regarding the symbiotic relationship between corporations and the modern...